EXCLUSIVE: The True Story of What Really Happened in That Bunker …
We have captured the incredible, high-level discussions that went on inside the WH bunker and led to Trump’s brave assault on a church.
We have captured the incredible, high-level discussions that went on inside the WH bunker and led to Trump’s brave assault on a church.
As you know, when you read the Bible every night like I do, that those were very, very trying times, folks. It wasn’t easy being Jesus. He’d walk around and give terrific speeches all over the place like I do. Oh sure, he didn’t draw the crowds I did, but people loved him and prayed for him anyway.
Anyway, while I was busy running away from all the animals, a farm girl tackled me from behind and gave me something I’ll never forget, even if I can’t remember what it was. Whatever it was, though, it made quite an impression and I haven’t been back to a farm since. I think about that girl often, and how fast she could run. She ran like a goddam race horse and packed quite a wallop.
in his powerful, Christian Easter letter Saturday, Donald Trump told stirring bible stories and scolded the “spoiled-rotten” kid who was...
Before heading to the golf course Sunday, Donald Trump wrote a joyous, vitally important letter to the Christians. -sltrib.com THE...
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