From Day 1, NONE Of This Has Been Normal And Must Be Resisted
It had taken only hours for the angry man to confirm what the majority of this country already knew: He was completely unfit to be president.
It had taken only hours for the angry man to confirm what the majority of this country already knew: He was completely unfit to be president.
And look, being a snowflake is actually a really, really good thing. When you evolve you’ll see that, too. It’s OK to admit weakness and insecurity, because if anybody is weak and insecure, it is you guys.
Sure, it’s noble to talk about all the things you are for, but the most important elections of our lifetimes in November will be all about what the majority of America is against: Trump.
While American’s “sugar daddy” enjoyed a well-deserved round of golf today, his lovely, sparkling daughter, Ivanka, penned his Weekly Very...
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