Good day, brothers and sisters.
Despite all odds, I am proudly showing off this brand new, whiz-bang website that will continue to be home for some of the very best words on the Internet.
Enough Already has gotten a remake, because dammit, it has somehow stubbornly lasted this long.
All this started in the wake of the blast in the early morning hours of Nov. 9, 2016, when for the first time in my life I saw that evil could win, and destroy us all in America.
In the weeks following that horrendous morning, like so many of you, I felt the need to answer this terrible attack on good and decency.

So I somehow stood up this website, starting slapping out prose, and the next thing you know, I was a mass-communicating SOB, with only one real mission: kick the ever-living shit out of the fascist-turned-traitor Trump.
I decided quite accidentally that the best way to beat this no-good, rotten, racist bastard was to do it with his own ridiculous words. I started writing weekly letters from the White House — very important letters — as only Trump would write ‘em.
I learned I had a very fucked up gift: I could tap into some awful, terrifying place inside me, and write like only Trump could. Er, if he ever did …
Next thing you know, I’ve got a collection of the things and a new dear (fierce) author friend, Shelby Kent-Stewart. She thinks there’s a book in all this. Well, I’m skeptical as hell, but she’s dead serious.
Dead serious won out.
Toxic Tales: A Caustic Collection of Donald J. Trump’s Very Important Letters gets published and zooms to the top of the NYT’s Best-Seller List.
OK, that last part’s bullshit. The book was printed, though, and stands today as the only definitive, satirical accounting of the absolute polluted circus that was the Trump White House.
You’ll also find other stuff here. On occasion, I will get serious and tap out copy about issues that burn me to no end. There is an endless supply of these issues to wrestle to the ground. We are still in deep, deep trouble.
Oh, and one other thing before I go: We were right about all of it, my friends.
Trump was an ill-equipped, smug, racist, nuclear-powered narcissist who cared only for himself, and when convenient, his disgusting family.
He wrote love letters to dictators, apologized to them, and finally, when he’d lost it all, acted like them by attacking his own country.
Along the way, he lied an astonishing 30,573 times, battered our environment, belittled women, hid visitor logs, enriched himself with taxpayer money, flailed desperately and pathetically while a pandemic killed thousands and thousands of us, and was finally stuffed back in his highchair by a fierce woman with the last name Pelosi, who I swear still doesn’t get the credit she so richly deserves for helping save our democracy. Misogyny is a terrible, terrible thing.
<Deep, cleansing breath …>
So welcome again, and thank you for sustaining me these past five-plus years. Let’s keep talking. And If you don’t have any answers, explanations will do.
D. Earl Stephens
(*Shout out to RJ and the good folks at for their work putting up with me, and getting this baby launched.)