EXCLUSIVE: The Day McConnell Put the Fix In for Trump
This meeting would begin a turbulent two weeks in which the Republicans would take unmitigated gall to levels never seen before in a town where Gall is the No. 1 export …
This meeting would begin a turbulent two weeks in which the Republicans would take unmitigated gall to levels never seen before in a town where Gall is the No. 1 export …
Come to think of it, I am even more proportionate than Abraham Lincoln, who let’s face it, folks, was a little over-proportionate when he sent Sherman tanks into Atlanta after the Civil War to burn it to the ground. That was not proportionate, OK? Sorry, Abe, just calling it like I see it.
In a Very Important Letter he typed early Sunday, Donald Trump told people not to watch “60 Minutes” tonight at...
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