How Women’s Insistence on Resistance Turned the Tide
Through the darkness, The Resistance has turned on the light. And the women of America have flipped the switch …
Through the darkness, The Resistance has turned on the light. And the women of America have flipped the switch …
With his campaign faltering miserably, Trump held a meeting Sunday in his bunker aimed at altering the dynamics of the race …
It makes no sense to go after Trump with impeachment, who, as we saw in November and in these stunning poll numbers, is already badly wounded and hemorrhaging support. Let him continue to die slowly. Let Democrats put a stake through his cold, tiny heart at the polls.
… when you attack them and their candidate with some of the ugliness I have seen mostly in social media, you make them sick. Worse, you alienate them. You are not fostering a united front. You are acting like what you hate: a Buster.
By now the #TheResistance was a full-blown thing and an amalgam of everything that was still good and right about this country. Environmentalists, civil rights crusaders, educators, kids and do-gooders in all shapes and sizes had pulled together and were literally on the march. Our women were leading the way and not a minute too soon, because everything depended on November and what might be America’s last, best chance to set about making things right again.
Everybody in Europe heard the clap of thunder in the west the night before … It was a glorious, brilliant,...
Cut these howling, for-profit wolves loose from your lives, Resisters, and let them go tail between legs back to what’s left of their disease-ridden Republican Party.
Sure, it’s noble to talk about all the things you are for, but the most important elections of our lifetimes in November will be all about what the majority of America is against: Trump.
What the Democrats need is more Nancy Pelosi, not less. But why does that scare both parties? I thought hard...
It has been 627 days since our world blew up and the lights went out. Nothing has been the same...
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