‘America’s No. 1 Christian’ Claims Victory in Stirring Easter Letter
“So here I am making another selfless sacrifice just like Jesus used to do and writing to you when I could be planting palm trees, chasing after Easter eggs or golfing.”
“So here I am making another selfless sacrifice just like Jesus used to do and writing to you when I could be planting palm trees, chasing after Easter eggs or golfing.”
As you know, when you read the Bible every night like I do, that those were very, very trying times, folks. It wasn’t easy being Jesus. He’d walk around and give terrific speeches all over the place like I do. Oh sure, he didn’t draw the crowds I did, but people loved him and prayed for him anyway.
On this hollowed out day, I think of the brave men from Omaha, Iowa, who went to that beach in France and swam through the water with their guns and survived one of the most awful days they ever, ever had.
Dear God, thank you for delivering Baby Jesus to our doorstep. It is on this day that we remember it didn’t go so great for him which is just Sad!
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