EXCLUSIVE: The Day McConnell Put the Fix In for Trump
This meeting would begin a turbulent two weeks in which the Republicans would take unmitigated gall to levels never seen before in a town where Gall is the No. 1 export …
This meeting would begin a turbulent two weeks in which the Republicans would take unmitigated gall to levels never seen before in a town where Gall is the No. 1 export …
Trump and his evil, anti-American minions calculated that even if the story being reported at the time was 100 percent accurate, if an “enemy of the people” delivered it, it could not be trusted.
It’s now safe to say there will be no patriotic moment when McConnell, Graham, Romney or Collins take to the Senate floor, grab hold of the truth and lift it toward the sky. They have anchored themselves to their base and decided to take a breather knowing it would be impossible to go any lower. How freeing for them. They have flipped the keys to Trump knowing full well he will drive through every stop sign put in place by the architects of this imperfect, Democratic maze and wreck this country.
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