EXCLUSIVE: The Inspiring Easter Message Trump Had to Have Delivered Before Golf
Dear God, thank you for delivering Baby Jesus to our doorstep. It is on this day that we remember it didn’t go so great for him which is just Sad!
Dear God, thank you for delivering Baby Jesus to our doorstep. It is on this day that we remember it didn’t go so great for him which is just Sad!
Trump and his evil, anti-American minions calculated that even if the story being reported at the time was 100 percent accurate, if an “enemy of the people” delivered it, it could not be trusted.
While America reels from the bilge emanating from the White House, we thought it would be helpful to let you know what a WH meeting must sound like …
I believe it is simply easier for them to love their flag than it is to truly love their country. That is clearly the case with Trump who has been know to literally suffocate the thing one minute while mocking a war hero like John McCain the next …
The truth is, the vast majority of this country is outraged. That we are feeling a bit helpless in the face of the Trump Dictatorship makes us Americans. We know evil when we see it. We know abhorrent, complicit and covering behavior when we smell it.
We know right from wrong.
There is real, delicious irony that this party has allowed itself to be pinned underneath the most awful version of itself in Donald Trump.
It makes no sense to go after Trump with impeachment, who, as we saw in November and in these stunning poll numbers, is already badly wounded and hemorrhaging support. Let him continue to die slowly. Let Democrats put a stake through his cold, tiny heart at the polls.
The notion Trump gives a single shit about our country or even his party should have been completely extinguished in Helsinki when it was clear to anybody with working eyes and ears that he was, as Clinton warned us, “Putin’s puppet.”
“Only Benjamin Franklin had a higher presidential approval rating than I do, but as I’ve said before, he discovered electricity with a kite, so that is kind of hard to top.” -Donald J. Trump
On the cusp of Presidents’ Day, our four former living presidents sat down for a candid chat. What they said, and their complete candor, might surprise you …
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