From Day 1, NONE Of This Has Been Normal And Must Be Resisted
It had taken only hours for the angry man to confirm what the majority of this country already knew: He was completely unfit to be president.
It had taken only hours for the angry man to confirm what the majority of this country already knew: He was completely unfit to be president.
It’s now safe to say there will be no patriotic moment when McConnell, Graham, Romney or Collins take to the Senate floor, grab hold of the truth and lift it toward the sky. They have anchored themselves to their base and decided to take a breather knowing it would be impossible to go any lower. How freeing for them. They have flipped the keys to Trump knowing full well he will drive through every stop sign put in place by the architects of this imperfect, Democratic maze and wreck this country.
I also want to say you are welcome to the TV stations who asked me to come on prime time tonight and help bail out their failing ratings. I think you will see me doing a lot more of this in the future, folks. I get to use the command of my best words and past super ratings successes to change everybody’s mind about very important, terrific things and they get to see their terrible, disgusting ratings go through the roof. I think you can see pretty quickly how great this plan is.
Some people, not a lot, but some people, have criticized me for saying I would have been a good general. I don’t get this. Literally anybody can be a good general. You could be a good general, OK? You just have to want to be good instead of bad. How hard is that?! Can you imagine what the lying, stinking, awful, corrupt, maniacs in the fake media would have said, if I said I would have been a bad general?! Only a moron would have said that. I am not a moron, folks.
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