Trump: The Christmas Grift That Just Keeps Grifting …
With his legal bills piling up, Trump has come up with an evil plan that would make even the Grinch jealous …
With his legal bills piling up, Trump has come up with an evil plan that would make even the Grinch jealous …
With but weeks to Joe Biden’s inauguration, Donald Trump presses on with his valiant dream team of inconsequential nobodies to throw out elections results he positively hates.
In this exclusive Donny Jr. tells about the Christmas morning he bravely shot the neighbor’s golden retriever, and the revelation of a sixth Trump child …
With lives literally on the line, Donald Trump has been displaying a dynamic brand of leadership never before seen literally anywhere — ever. I mean, EVER.
Anyway, while I was busy running away from all the animals, a farm girl tackled me from behind and gave me something I’ll never forget, even if I can’t remember what it was. Whatever it was, though, it made quite an impression and I haven’t been back to a farm since. I think about that girl often, and how fast she could run. She ran like a goddam race horse and packed quite a wallop.
Ivanka: <11 seconds of inaudible murmuring, followed by a gasp.>
Trump: “Maybe later, sweetie. I just ate. Now where was I, before Dick so rudely interrupted me?”
Stephen Miller: “You were talking about making America greater and mightier and more powerful than it’s ever been, fuhrer!”
TRUMP: “Oh … yeah, yeah. I already know what I want to say. I have given it a lot of incredible, terrific thought. I basically plan to scare the shit out of everybody and then tell them only I can make them less afraid.”
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