EXCLUSIVE: The Day McConnell Put the Fix In for Trump
This meeting would begin a turbulent two weeks in which the Republicans would take unmitigated gall to levels never seen before in a town where Gall is the No. 1 export …
This meeting would begin a turbulent two weeks in which the Republicans would take unmitigated gall to levels never seen before in a town where Gall is the No. 1 export …
This weekend, we are watching Donald Trump’s lawyers spew bullshit as they try to turn a vile monster into a victim. It is their (white) privilege to do so …
Donald Trump was riding high after Bill Barr squashed the Mueller Report last spring and figured there was never going to be a better time to destroy the candidacy of Joe Biden. So a plan was hatched that would change the course of history …
It has become increasingly hard for Donald J. Trump to enjoy his holiday at Mar-a-Lago with the threat of his removal following him around literally everywhere he goes …
As you know, when you read the Bible every night like I do, that those were very, very trying times, folks. It wasn’t easy being Jesus. He’d walk around and give terrific speeches all over the place like I do. Oh sure, he didn’t draw the crowds I did, but people loved him and prayed for him anyway.
You are above it all, but so good at being up there, that you can still see most people at eye level, even while looking down on them … you are an Independent.
When Acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William B. Taylor dropped a bomb during the House Impeachment Hearings Wednesday we sifted through the wreckage … and found transcripts.
As the “meanies” in the Democratic Party made life miserable for her father and impeachment echoed through the West Wing, Ivanka Trump rode to her daddy’s defense with a letter for the ages …
(EDITOR’S NOTE: On Thursday, October 17, 2019, Donald J. Trump called an emergency meeting of his top advisers in the Oval Office as the fate of his improbable presidency hung by a slender thread …
As tensions in the White House reached a boiling point Wednesday night, an impeachment-ravaged Donald J. Trump called some key players together to move forward in his attack on the truth, the Kurds, America and Mike Pence.
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