EXCLUSIVE: What Trump’s Meeting to Overthrow the Election Sounded Like
With but weeks to Joe Biden’s inauguration, Donald Trump presses on with his valiant dream team of inconsequential nobodies to throw out elections results he positively hates.
With but weeks to Joe Biden’s inauguration, Donald Trump presses on with his valiant dream team of inconsequential nobodies to throw out elections results he positively hates.
Through the darkness, The Resistance has turned on the light. And the women of America have flipped the switch …
It shouldn’t take a college degree to know which party really has your back.
As we close in on the most consequential election of our lifetimes, either you stand against Trump and his evil GOP or you don’t. And if you don’t, well …
Hell, damn near everybody likes Joe. He’s like the friendly neighbor up the street who always keeps his yard clean, waves as you walk by and is a helluva Little League coach. I respect Joe. He has spent his life as a public servant and while he has been on the wrong end of some pretty consequential calls in my opinion, I never questioned his heart or love of this country.
Those last two qualities right there should have disqualified Trump four decades ago.
“I figured after eight years of peace and quiet, I’d give a white guy with big ideas a chance to get our voice back in the room,” he says. “Besides, as you well know, Hillary just couldn’t be trusted.”
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